Jul 27, 2010

F A U X - B O I S - S T U M P Y - P L A N T E R

I did mention how I couldn’t stop using the wood design this past session, didn’t I? well, now it is time to mention how much I love succulents. and how if no one buys this, I am pretty sure it’s going to end up on my window sill at work, or maybe in the back yard, filled with succulents. or maybe, just maybe, I will plant it with succulents that are currently in the back yard, and put it on my window sill at work. though I am running out of room. and I have plenty of pots to fill. so someone please buy this.

oh! maybe I’ll fill it and sell it at the art show I'm doing in september. maybe. (more details on the show when I have them.)

slightly oval-y, this pot is 6.25" wide at its widest and just under 6" at its narrowest x 3" tall. it’s a little “organic” in shape, to look more stumpy. like a wood stump, not like short and squat. though I was aiming for that too.
I coated this with iron oxide in hopes that it would make the grain pattern stand out, then I covered it in pure white matte glaze.
hand built and signed, march 2010.
$25 (sorry, michael made me raise my prices)

S O L D (11.07.10)

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